Addsum web site and general info

Postings here will focus mainly on Advanced Accounting software updates, tips, and related topics. They will also include general comments relating to troubleshooting PC/Windows/network problems and may also include reference to our other software products and projects including any of our various utilities, or to the TAS Premier programming language. We considered setting up separate blogs for different topics so that users/others could subscribe to topics mostly aligned with their interests, but decided that it would be better to keep things simple since some topics cross over into others. We would nonetheless welcome your feedback/input in this regard. Our web site URL is Call us at 800-648-6258 or 801-277-9240. We also maintain so that older Business Tools users in particular have a greater chance to find us.


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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2025 payroll updates

As we wind down another very active year of program development including special end user modifications and support as well as generic system-wide changes for the latest version of Advanced Accounting, we are now again devoting our attention to upcoming payroll changes; in additional we have been preparing for 2024 W-2 and 1099-NEC e-filings and have already passed the W-2 testing phase and will be ready to submit those as soon as they will be accepted on federal and state levels.

In terms of 2025 changes, we have payroll updates for all of the federal 2025 payroll tax changes (which can also be implemented by end users based on the rates on page 11 of IRS Publication 15-T which was released on December 9, 2024.

Reminder re: form W-2s for 2024: Employers filing 10 or more information returns, including Forms W-2, must file electronically (absent having received a waiver by the IRS).  Information returns include commonly filed 1099 forms.   Many states have similar requirements including some that are more restrictive than the federal requirements.

Reminder re: form W-4:  Employees do not have to fill out a new W-4 each year (unless they are claiming to be exempt). Employees that make changes must however use the newer form W-4 and there must be on the 2020 and later federal income tax withholding system.  Most states with state income taxes have their own equivalent form and state withholding tax logic more often than not depends on the options selected on that form.  So an employee may need to fill out a new state form without necessarily changing anything on their existing W-4.

Social security limit changed for 2025:   The social security  limit will be increasing from $168,600 to $176,100 (our payroll update will make that change automatically or it can be manually updated for each payroll division in Advanced Accounting's SY-D Enter/Change Payroll/GL interface option).

State income tax withholding changes: Nine states (Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, and West Virginia) have reduced individual income tax rates effective January 1, 2025.  See State Tax Changes Taking Effect January 1, 2025 where it is also indicates that some 39 states will be making notable tax changes in general.

In working through these changes, we have noted so far inconsistencies in the new changes (examples are Louisiana and West Virginia) which have made implementing these changes far more difficult than they should be.

Louisiana:  Louisiana has changed to be a flat rate tax however the new rates are based on three options:

a. Taxpayers Not Claiming a Standard Deduction.

b. Single or Married-Separate Taxpayers Claiming the Standard Deduction ($12,500)

c. Married-Joint Return, Qualified Surviving Spouse, or Head of Household Taxpayers Claiming the Standard Deduction ($25,000).

Options (b) and (c) are the same standard deduction amounts as before even though the rest  of the tax logic is different.   But how does an employee "not claim" a standard deduction?  The Louisiana L-4 withholding form still refers to "exemptions" but those don't exist any more.  Until this is clarified, we are unable to update Louisiana's state withholding logic (although we have made some initial changes to reflect the flat tax rate and standard deduction changes).

West Virginia:  There was one bill in August and another passed in October that made changes to the prior bill (SB2033).   But the language of that bill isn't fully in sync with West Virginia's withholding form nor are their percentage method tables published in October 2024 consistent with SB2033.  The heading categories do not match and the rates for "Two Earner jobs" (which also is inconsistent with the newer bill) do not match the SB2033 rates.

The former TWO EARNER/TWO OR MORE JOBS category for "Married filing jointly, both working/individuals earning wages from two jobs" as described in supposedly updated percentage method tables is not the same thing as married filing separately as outlined in SB2033.  

And the OPTIONAL ONE EARNER/ONE JOB category formerly for "Single, head of household or married with nonemployed spouse" in the percentages tax tables is also inconsistent with SB2033's category which says nothing about a "nonemployed" spouse.  Until this is clarified, updates for West Virginia are on hold (we have however gone had and made  changes based on SB2033).

Other states with changes:

California:  tax table changes only (extensive)

Michigan:  dependent deduction ("personal exemption") increase

Missouri:  tax table, logic and supplemental pay changes

Montana:  tax table changes only

New Mexico: tax table changes only

Oregon:  extensive internal logic changes (normal table approach doesn't work for Oregon)

Vermont:  withholding allowance update and tax table changes

Virginia:  standard deduction changes that were effective 4/1/24

(this blog will be updated as additional changes are identified and clarifications become available)


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

TAS Premier 7ix release 18 published

We are pleased to announce release 18 in the TAS Premier 7ix series.  This release contains updates to the runtime and development system programs through July 31, 2024.

Release 17 was published on June 7, 2023 building on prior release 16 published on July 10, 2021, which was the first "7ix" release.   These updates continue to build on our initial  2004 TAS Professional version 7 release followed by TAS Premier 7i in the fall of 2005.  

Some of the new features include a new REMOVE_DIR() function, REGREADLOCAL() now supports REG_DWORD key types,a new form screen position (ScreenPos) option that may be useful in dual monitor environments as well as incorporating underlying VCL changes in the event of TMonitor.GetBoundsRect error responses (also a potential issue in dual monitor situations), /runprg parameter changes that will ignore the limit runtime setting if set and that will also no longer load the license file, message box changes to ensure that those error messages will appear "on top" when internal errors occur with the grid object, report program loading issues when a space character is included in the runtime path (resolved), important documentation additions, maintain database changes when editing array fields, and more. 

See the "Addsum Premier 7i features" under the topic "What's new in TAS Premier 7i" in the help files for more information as to all of the updates provided in this release.

Future releases of Advanced Accounting 8 (and 9) will use this newer 7ix runtime.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

TAS Premier 7ix release 17 published

We are pleased to announce release 17 in the TAS Premier 7ix series.  This release contains updates to the runtime and development system programs through May 1, 2023.

Release 16 came out on July 10, 2021, and was the first "7ix" release.   These updates continue to build on our initial TAS Professional version 7 release in 2004 and then TAS Premier 7i in the fall of 2005.

Some of the new features include a COPYTOCLIPBOARD() function; a new third parameter in the SENDKEYS() function allowing developers to target an external windows/application; improvements relating to the TRANSX command; changes to the default behavior of the internal ASK button; the ability to upload files using FTP protocol over TLS/SSL (also known as FTPS, not to be confused with SFTP i.e. secure shell file transfer protocol) using an external executable that we developed written in the same language as the runtime; reenabling the FASTMM4 memory manager; and adding exception handling to the TLLFC() function.

Documentation updates are many including a new topic with respect to using colors in RUN programs, updates to reserved words primarily for legacy programs, adding documentation for the RTOD() function previously missing, plus documentation for new or improved features.

The older FTP function remains available but is not capable of sending files using FTPS protocol.  The newly provided executable can upload files via both secure and insecure methods, supports options for the port number, connect tries, connect/read/transfer timeout settings, TLS options (require vs. explicit vs. implicit), transfer types, and passive mode.  Any number of profiles can be established which can then be called from the TAS environment after being tested.

OpenSSL changes are expected later this year which will require changes both in the sending of secure e-mail (supported in Advanced Accounting) as well as FTP secure protocols, but we decided not to wait for those changes in order to provide FTPS capability now, which has not previously been available.

We previously had enabled the Borland replacement memory manager in an earlier runtime version, but we had a few users report harmless error messages sometimes when exiting the runtime, so we removed it.  Based on some extensive testing, however, we have found that the use of that replacement memory manager is critical in Windows 10 and 11 operating systems when loading DLLs using the TLLFC() function, and so we have reenabled that memory manager in all executables where it applies.  And the runtime executable still works just as well under prior Windows releases as well.  We thought that exception errors that started to be encountered when using TLLFC() related to adding QRCODE() support in the prior (release 16) version, but in fact, it related to memory management issues in Windows 10 and now 11 (which reenabling FASTMM4 seems to resolve).

See the "Addsum Premier 7i features" under the topic "What's new in TAS Premier 7i" in the help files for more information as to all of the updates provided in this release.

Future releases of Advanced Accounting 8 (and 9) will use this newer 7ix runtime.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

MS Server 2012 and 2012 R2 nearing end of life

Inasmuch Microsoft Server 2012 and 2012 R2 will no longer be supported after October 10, 2023 (no more security updates being the primary concern), users are starting to plan migrations to Server 2019 or Server 2022.  These migrations will not require any program updates from us (for Advanced Accounting, for example) but users that are running the Actian Pervasive (PSQL) 11.3 (SP3) release on those systems may have to upgrade to a newer version.

Goldstar Software, who specializes in providing Pervasive (and later referred to as Actian Pervasive and now as Actian Zen) software has recently published some very helpful charts that includes officially supported engines on various operating systems:

See the second chart with the subtitle, "Supported Operating Systems by Actian Zen/PSQL Product Versions." 

So while v11.3 might work on say 2019 Server, only v13 (and v14 and v15) are officially supported.  And for Server 2022, only v15 supports that operating system.

When upgrading to v15, there are some discounts (at least for a while) are available for users of older versions.  See:

and scroll down to "Actian Zen v15 Enterprise Server Upgrades From PSQL v13 or Older (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST)."

Because of their technical expertise and the fact that they focus solely on "Btrieve" products, we do recommend that users obtain pre-sale information and product updates from Goldstar.

When migrating to a different server without purchasing an upgrade and with the intention of using the existing license on the newer server, the older installation has to be deauthorized. 

For testing and for use in some migration situations, a 30-day v15 trial version is available.


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

New federal W-2 and 1099 e-file threshold drops to 10 forms

On February 23, 2023, new requirements went into effect for calendar years beginning after 2023 that mandate electronic filing of certain employment returns from the current 250 threshold down to just 10 forms, which involves an aggregate count of all W-2 and 1099 forms to be filed in a given future calendar year.

The Federal Register publication can be found here:

While the old rules apply for 2023, we would recommend that employers begin the transition to file their returns electronically in 2023 if they have not been already doing so.

E-filing options are already available for W-2/W-3 forms as well as for 1099-NEC in the latest releases of Advanced Accounting. For other 1099 forms, the IRS is making a portal available to file those forms (which can include form 1099-NEC as well) which will be available for filing 2023 forms:

This change does not impact 941 and 940 filings although those can come into play in determining whether corporate tax returns (form 1120) have to be filed electronically.

This change has been anticipated for quite some time and in part consistent with changes states have been making for many years. There are many advantages to filing in this manner and while it will be a change for some users, in the long run, it will be advantageous not just for the government administration but for business efficiency as well.

More information from our e-filing interface partner:

Friday, January 27, 2023

E-file 1099-NEC forms from Advanced Accounting

The IRS due date for form 1099-NEC (introduced in 2020 replacing what used to be handled by form 1099-MISC) is January 31 (unlike form 1099-MISC which has different deadlines). The form is used to report nonemployee (such as an independent contractor) payments of $600 or more.   These forms can now be e-filed from Advanced Accounting.

This form can also be used to report direct sales totaling $5,000 or more of consumer products for resale anywhere other than in a permanent retail establishment. Instead, that can be "reported" informally by providing the recipient a letter with that information along with commissions, prizes, etc.  Or 1099-MISC can be used to report direct sales as well.

Historically the requirement to file electronically at the federal level has been 250 returns (forms), but proposals are pending to reduce that number.

Many states have their own requirements for reporting nonemployee income paid to residents of a given state.

States with 1099-NEC requirements

The nine states that have no state income tax do not, of course, have a 1099-NEC requirement:

Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming

Two additional states also have no 1099-NEC requirement:

Illinois and New York

As a general rule, if you withhold any state taxes from an NEC-type payment, filing in that state is required.  Many states only require a 1099-NEC state equivalent filing if there was state withholding on the NEC payment.

These states include:


Arkansas (or if the payment exceeds $2,500)












North Carolina


Rhode Island

South Carolina



West Virginia

States that generally require 1099-NEC filings whether or not any state withholding was involved are listed below.  Normally the rule also is that only residents of the state providing service in that state require a state 1099-NEC equivalent, however, there are exceptions:

Alabama - has a later deadline if there was no state income tax  withheld


California - but not required unless the state income amount is different than the federal amount

Connecticut - must file electronically if 25 or more forms

D.C. - must file electronically if 25 or more forms


Kansas - electronic filing is required for 51 or more forms

Oklahoma - requires a filing if the payment is greater than $750



Missouri - if over $1200, unless reported elsewhere



New Jersey - if over $1000 or state withholding; electronic filing is mandatory

North Dakota - must be filed electronically if more than 10 forms.

Oklahoma - over $750 or state withholding

Oregon - electronic filing is required if more than 10 forms


Vermont - electronic filing if more than 25 forms; forms issued to nonresidents providing services in Vermont have to be reported

Wisconsin - must be issued to nonresidents as well as residents providing services in the state

NOTE:  The above information is in flux so please check with your local state agency or tax practitioner to get the latest information

Advanced Accounting 1099 form history

The first Advanced Accounting (Adv) program to produce 1099 forms was completed by Business Tools in September 1992 and released as part of the Adv 4.0 series.

We first started to make programming changes to that option in December of 1994 to provide a "magnetic media option" for a customer in North Dakota that needed it, working also initially in Adv 4.03 (TAS 4.0) which not long thereafter was migrated to Adv 5.0  (TAS 5.0) during the first half of 1995.  We converted the program to version 5.0 in Dec. of 1996 and then to Adv version 5.1 (TAS 5.1) in 1997, along the way making changes for ever-changing IRS requirements as well to improve the functionality of the program such as adding a "review" option in 1998 and adding support for the 1096 transmittal in 2006 along with annual reviews and updates.

More recently, in 2020 we updated the program for the 1099-NEC change and in 2021 to print those to three, rather than two, per page.

2023 latest changes 

The magnetic media option that we first added in 1994 had long since fallen into disuse.  But we have now implemented an interface with our e-filing partner (Nelco Solutions) that provides the ability to file electronically not only federally but also in any state.  In the course of doing that, we have added support for:

Direct sales indicator

Federal (backup) withholding:

Multiple state income, state codes, tax ID's, and withholding amounts

Account number for the vendor if missing (since this is a required element)

Numerous other new features have been incorporated.

These new options are available via an "adjust" option that provides for on-the-fly entry that has been considerably enhanced.

The 1099-NEC adjust/change screen

When completed, the import file is uploaded to the same branded site that is used for e-filing W-2 forms (and the W-3 transmittal) and to accomplish state filings as well.

This option can be provided now to existing Adv 8 (and 9) users for 2022 e-filings and will be incorporated into the next update releases.

Why file electronically if it isn't required?

Filing electronically reduces the time and hassle associated with manually preparing these returns.  It more securely provides the information to agencies without having to put confidential taxpayer identification numbers in the mail, and the information is more quickly and accurately processed.

Further, it obviates the need to purchase any forms.  While you still have to mail the recipient a copy (printed from a provided PDF that is generated as a result of the e-filing), that is a service that can be performed by our e-filing partner.  As a result, the minimal per employee filing cost is reduced even more.

So even for users with just a few 1099-NECs, there are many reasons to file electronically even if not required.  In short, it saves time and frustration.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Adv 8 r11 includes 2023 payroll updates

Advanced Accounting 8 r11 is now available and includes 2023 payroll updates.


In addition to the usual federal changes and new OASDI maximum, over 60% of states that have state withholding taxes have made changes to their rates or withholding logic.

States with changes that have been updated within the latest versions of Advanced Accounting as well as retested include:












New Mexico 





Some of the changes only involve withholding rate table changes (New Mexico).  Some solely relate to allowance increases (Alabama).

Some of the changes that needed to be made go back to 2022 (Arkansas made changes effective October 1, 2022; Louisiana made changes effective January 1, 2022, that may have not been published until much later).

Other are much more involved including the many states that have relatively complex formulas.

In retesting these states, we have also added new logic to the "calculation" option contained with the PR-B Enter Pay Info option.

In re-reviewing the withholding instructions for each of these states, some major logical changes had to be made (such as for California and to accommodate Arkansas's unusual negative adjustments included in their tax tables).

Some of the changes still relate to the fallout caused by the 2020 federal government W-4 changes. While the new federal form no longer uses the longstanding withholding allowances that we were all used to up until that time, many states still do (calling them dependent allowances in some cases) as well as in some states also providing for "personal allowances"  or in the case of California additional "estimated deduction" allowances that have different rates associated with them.  It seems as though some states are still grappling with the 2020 federal changes which have in turn caused a lot of confusion for seemingly little gain and have imposed yet more burden on businesses and taxpayers in general.

While employers are required to implement these changes as soon as practical, the overall effect is often small despite the effort it takes to maintain and update them.  As we reviewed 2023 test cases and in our testing in general, it seemed on balance that federal changes resulted in slightly lower withholding amounts, and that states tended to make changes that also reduced their withholding, which seemed somewhat surprising given rising costs in 2022.

We also noted that in several states, the highest brackets were changed to a lower percentage than in the prior year and that changes to those highest brackets in some cases made little intuitive sense.

Some new hints have been added in PR-A Enter/Change Employees for Colorado, California, and Arizona.  Arizona is another unique state where the employees elect one of seven percentages unless claiming to be exempt, which is applied to taxable wages for its state withholding.  In Colorado (going back to January of 2022 when first effective), the number of jobs needs to be entered in the state allowances field. In Arizona, the percentage multiplied by 10 needs to be entered under state allowances. In California, the number of additional allowances from estimated deductions needs to be separated and placed in the SSEx field rather than in the state allowances field. In some states, dependency credits are entered in the SSEx field.  County taxes for Indiana continue to be handled as in the past but those rates have changed for 2023.

There are indications of 2023 changes in other states other than those we have specifically reviewed thus far (including Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, and Washington DC). We will review and provide updates as time allows and based on our users processing payroll in those states, but we did not wait any longer to put out these other updates that have now been completed.

Payroll related programs changed:

PR-B Enter Pay Info as indicated above and see below

PR-D Print payroll checks - first day next pay period issue when batch posting

PR-G Print W2s and W2 History has been enhanced to remember settings previously used when submitting an e-file.  Also when e-filing, an employee control number which consists of the year and employee number is now included for reference.  Note:  the e-filing portal is open, we qualified for the required annual testing toward the end of last year, and we have already made one e-filing for 2022.

PR-K Maintain tax tables option has been updated for federal and state rate changes along with the corresponding extensive changes to PR-B  

SY-D Enter/Chg PR/GL interface ensures that the new OASDI max is validated when updating or adding a payroll division.

Non-payroll updates:

Adv 8 r11 includes a variety of non-payroll program updates made in November and December of last year:

SY-K-C When changing many product codes from an import file, a new clone option has been added for special situations.  So when using this option the existing code is left intact.

AP-I Print Vendor General Info has been modernized and a new tab-delimited export feature added.

AR-I-A (Customer reports) Sales by Month now includes the option (as elsewhere) to use the salesperson when the invoiced was posted, which is the default, or as currently assigned when limiting to a salesperson.

IC-C-C (Product Sales/Purch Info) Top Products Sold Analysis also has the option to use the salesperson when the invoice was posted (the default) or as currently assigned when limited by a salesperson.

SO-G Post invoices now updates billings for jobs based on the invoice subtotal rather than the total that might include tax or freight (applies only to job costing)

AR-R-D Unapplied credits Report: the total of the unapplied credits generated by the report is now included.

AR-B Enter/Change Vouchers:  the check fiscal function was still being limited to five years past instead of six years past as everywhere else

 AP-M Enter Recurring (AP) Vouchers  -  building on rel. 10 enhancements and because the mouse/cursor position can inadvertently default to a different menu option than previously selected when editing a voucher in this legacy program, this option now asks whether the voucher type needs to be changed when editing an existing recurring voucher.

AP-N Generate Recurring (AP) Vouchers - building on rel. 10 enhancements, the ability to override the invoice description and invoice # (which in the past has been internally assigned by the software) in manual check/ACH situations has been added, along with a new option to limit the generation to a single vendor code (which can be used instead of or in combination with the selection code range).

For more details or to schedule an update, contact us at or call 800-648-6258.