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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

TAS Premier 7ix release 18 published

We are pleased to announce release 18 in the TAS Premier 7ix series.  This release contains updates to the runtime and development system programs through July 31, 2024.

Release 17 was published on June 7, 2023 building on prior release 16 published on July 10, 2021, which was the first "7ix" release.   These updates continue to build on our initial  2004 TAS Professional version 7 release followed by TAS Premier 7i in the fall of 2005.  

Some of the new features include a new REMOVE_DIR() function, REGREADLOCAL() now supports REG_DWORD key types,a new form screen position (ScreenPos) option that may be useful in dual monitor environments as well as incorporating underlying VCL changes in the event of TMonitor.GetBoundsRect error responses (also a potential issue in dual monitor situations), /runprg parameter changes that will ignore the limit runtime setting if set and that will also no longer load the license file, message box changes to ensure that those error messages will appear "on top" when internal errors occur with the grid object, report program loading issues when a space character is included in the runtime path (resolved), important documentation additions, maintain database changes when editing array fields, and more. 

See the "Addsum Premier 7i features" under the topic "What's new in TAS Premier 7i" in the help files for more information as to all of the updates provided in this release.

Future releases of Advanced Accounting 8 (and 9) will use this newer 7ix runtime.